Play the City Serious games for spatial planning
In 2016 Plou joined Play the City team, an urban planning office specialized in serious games for collaborative spatial planning. In the past four years we’ve been designing games, leading game sessions and reporting them, making visible how powerful this tool is in the systemic approach to city making. During a game session participants gather to strategize ideas and plans in low-risk environments. As they make abstract data tangible for participants, city games have a critical role to play in realizing inclusive urban development. Through the simple and playful language of games, conversations become jargon-free. Informed decisions get supported from across disciplines, through stakeholders ranging from communities to governments. In this way, city gaming provides a participatory space where top-down and bottom-up planning meet.
Ontdek Overvecht, a social impact game, was made to create awareness among citizens about the social infrastructure of their neighbourhood as well as to increase social cohesion for residents, both newcomers and locals.
The games we developed together include themes
of the circular economy, social change, urban transformation, migration, affordable housing and energy transition. “Play the City’s” ability to bring multiple stakeholders involved in planning issues together to share knowledge and collaborate towards a common goal has been a great source of inspiration.

Affordable housing game, energy transition game or urban transformation game make use of strategy cards and policies.
Wijkvisie spel Overvecht, we adapted an existing game to provide content input for the Wijkvisie 2030. 40 local experts (residents, developers and housing corporations in the area) were engaged in 2 game sessions.

Circular game, a role playing game designed for local entrepreneurs and citizens to gain knowledge on circular urban development and link it to their daily business.
Climate game, A co-design game for residents, energy companies and regulators to exercise actions for climate adaptation.