House in Vreeland
in collaboration with Micha van Boheemen + contractor Eco + Bouw
At the end of 2016 we were commissioned to design
a small private dwelling and interior in a breath-
taking lakeshore landscape of Loosdrecht, near Utrecht. We were responsible for all phasesof design and project execution, including
budget estimate development, financial control,
organization and time-management, building
permit requests, procurement and contracting
procedures, supervision of building sites and
(preliminary) delivery of project.
The commissioners where a family of four.
They bought a very small house with an oblong
garden. To increase the livable m2 and bring the
experience of living within the garden into their
lives, they had decided to build up a “two floor-
extension” twice as big as the original house.
The sun orientation is north, so we had to catch
the light from of the roof and bring it in the
house by creating a void where the staircase is.
Lifting the ground floor on that spot delivered a
playful and livable mezzanine.
Constructing the connection between de old and the new dwelling in both floors was a big challenge, but succeeded without having to give up any m² of usable space. Light and atmosphere were brought to each room in a singular way.
For the realisation of the dwelling we worked together with Orga, a building contractor who uses only biobased materials and sustainable solutions.
By building with damp-open insulation, the building can “breathe”, preventing moisture from causing damage. Instead of wrapping the interior with plastic like in traditional construction, we built a wall from layers that are increasingly more vapor-permeable to the outside. This method, in combination with the self-regulating effect of natural materials, produces a very constant and therefore comfortable indoor climate.
Project team: Txell Blanco (Plou) en Micha van Boheemen (Boheemen +)
Contractor: ORGA (eco+bouw)
︎ Find Plou @ Nassaukade 7 - III 1052 CE Amsterdam - +31 (0) 657070809 -